Teaching That a Sin Is Not Really Sin Is a Heresy

Teaching That a Sin Is Not Really Sin Is a Heresy“Teaching that a sin is not really a sin is a heresy, and it is a heresy that closes off the possibility of repentance for those who believe it. You can’t repent of a sin that you don’t believe to be a sin.” ~ Fr. John Whiteford


“Personal sins are still sins, but sins that involve other people in your sin are worse — but heresy by far, much worse than either of those kinds of sins.

Teaching that a sin is not really a sin is a heresy, and it is a heresy that closes off the possibility of repentance for those who believe it. You can’t repent of a sin that you don’t believe to be a sin.” ~ Fr. John Whiteford

HT: Fr. John Whiteford blog

1 thought on “Teaching That a Sin Is Not Really Sin Is a Heresy”

  1. “Teaching which does not touch on either dogmas or sacraments, but rejects living according to the commandments of Christ, allowing Christians to live as pagans, should also be regarded as heresy. This teaching, which outwardly seems not to be hostile to Christianity, is in essence completely hostile to it: it is a renunciation of Christ. The Lord Himself said: “I profess unto them” — to those who with their mouth recognize the Lord, yet by their deeds act contrary to His will — “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matt. 7:23). Faith can only be alive in works of faith; without them it is dead (James 2:26).” ~ St. Ignatius Brianchaninov


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