A Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtue

Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtueby Chris Banescu –

In an article titled “Let us arise and go home” conservative author and English professor Anthony Esolen eloquently expressed what the ultimate aims of a proper education should be. He writes: “An education that does not order the soul towards truth and beauty, that does not instill the intellectual virtue of seeking the truth, and the practical virtue of putting moral truths in action, is no education at all. It is not fit for a human being. It may be fit for a robot, or a beast, or a devil.” His truthful insights explain a great deal about what has gone wrong without education in the West and especially in America in the last several decades.

So how can we reinforce these timeless and essential principles in the education of a child. “How do you build up the soul of a child?”, asks Esolen. It’s quite simple. Everyone has access to great literature. “That is what great literature and the arts are for. They are for everyone. You can judge a school by its syllabi, or the books in the library, or the poems and the songs the students know and love. Every child should go down to Mordor with Frodo and Sam, or sit atop the mizzen with Jim Hawkins, or float down the river with the worthy Mole and Rat, or ride with Paul Revere, [Read more…]

Mental Breakdown Precedes the Moral Breakdown

G. K. Chesterton The Apostle of Common Senseby Chris Banescu –
G. K. Chesterton was one of the deepest and clearest thinkers of the 20th century. He was also a strong defender of the Christian faith, a modern day apologist in the truest sense of the word. As Dale Ahlquist points out in his book, Chesterton was indeed The Apostle of Common Sense who fearlessly challenged the lies and falsehoods of his time. His insights and logic are as relevant today as they were then.

Chesterton foresaw the coming moral breakdowns that we’re currently experiencing. He understood that the corruption and misuse of language in order to obfuscate the truth were symptoms of a mental breakdown that will inevitably lead to moral corruption. He was right.[Read more…]

Twenty-Five Signs That You’re Arguing With Leftists

Signs That You’re Arguing With Leftistsby Chris Banescu –
How do you know when you have successfully argued and defended your position when debating with leftists or progressives on Facebook or other online forums (or even face-to-face)?

Look for these telling signs (not necessarily in this exact order):

1. They call you an “extremist, radical, racist, Teabagger, heartless capitalist, or FoxNews cultist.”

2. They declare that “you’re a ‘hater’ or you’re angry.”

3. They ignore the facts and evidence you present, and challenge your “motivations” instead. (Note, you are not allowed to question their motivations.)

4. They accuse you of “insulting” any liberal, progressive, or leftist that you criticize, and remind you that it’s “rude” to do so.

5. They question your intelligence, experience, education, ethnic background, and/or religious beliefs.

6. They denounce you as “intolerant and judgmental.” [Read more…]

No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny

No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny by Chris Banescu –
Appeasement of evil always emboldens and empowers tyrants. Conservatives cannot accept bipartisanship in support of tyranny. We must vigilantly oppose the oppressive and immoral policies that continually usurp our individual liberties and rights and increase the power, reach, and control of government. As history has shown, silence in the face of unjust policies and collaboration with immoral and characterless individuals never bring about genuine peace, freedom, or prosperity. “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent,” warned Thomas Jefferson.

On the day following the devastating results of the November 2012 presidential election, Mark Levin issued a passionate call for conservatives to stand on their principles and fight against the spreading tyranny in America. In his opening monologue on his nationally syndicated radio program, Levin boldly stated that conservatives “do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period.” [Read more…]

Democrats Banish ‘GOD’ from Party Platform

Democrats Banish God from Party Platformby Chris Banescu –
God’s name has been banished from the Democrat Party Platform for 2012. As first reported by CBN and now confirmed by accessing the actual Democrat Party Platform published on their website, the word “God” has been completely removed from the wording used in their national platform. God is not included at all in the DNC vision for America.

God was previously mentioned only once in the 2008 DNC party platform. He was recognized in this sentence:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

That specific paragraph was rewritten and the words “God-given” have been removed. The sanitized version now reads as follows:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

[Read more…]

A Hard Lesson on Home Schools

Homeschool your children, better education for themby Chris Banescu
This June, my wife and I had the privilege of attending the high school graduation ceremonies of several home-schooled youngsters. These events not only impressed us with references to Christian traditions, family values, and heavenly music; they opened our eyes and hearts to the possibility of home schooling. Student after student spoke with such eloquence, maturity, and depth of spirit, that many times tears flowed freely both on stage and in the audience.

Like most parents, my wife and I want to provide our daughter with the best possible education. So despite the fact that she is still too young for elementary school, we have given considerable thought to the various choices. While originally home schooling was not our favored option, the graduation ceremonies piqued our interest. [Read more…]