PETA’s ‘Holocaust on Your Plate’ Campaign Sinks to a New Low

by Chris Banescu

In its latest assault on common decency, human exceptionalism, and common sense, the leftist lunatics at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organization, via their latest “The Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign, are asserting that eating chicken or any other meat for supper is the moral equivalent of sending people to the gas chamber.

On the site specifically dedicated to spelling out PETA’s new propaganda campaign the lunacy of the message becomes evident from the very first page:

“Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer first noted the disturbing similarity between the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust and that of animals raised for food… In several of his stories, he draws an analogy between the slaughter of animals and the slaughter of Jews at the hands of Nazis.”

One wonders if Mr. Singer’s point was that the 13 million killed in concentration camps were slaughtered like animals, and not that animals are no different than people.

PETA equates your serving of fried chicken, bacon, and a steak sandwich, on the same level as Hitler’s wholesale slaughter of the Jews and Stalin’s mass starvation and murder of his own people. Their site clearly places the blame on all of us meat-eating and milk-drinking monsters: “But what about violence that we are a part of, that we support financially every time we sit down to eat?”

It gets even worse.

“If we are revolted by comparisons between the plight of animals and the plight of human victims of oppression, it can only be because we are not yet prepared to accept our own role in the animals’ fate,” PETA says.

Translated into English, PETA means that if we don’t agree with the Holocaust comparison, it’s because we don’t recognize that there is no real difference between animals and people. In PETA speak, people who see a difference in value between man and animal are morally blind.

If we are revolted by comparisons between the plight of animals and the plight of human victims of oppression, it can only be because we are not yet prepared to accept our own role in the animals’ fate

The moral equivalency is nonsense, but it’s also dangerous. A distinction exists between man and animal and every clear-headed person knows it. But PETA’s agenda is more than the collapse of this distinction. Hiding behind it is a poorly defined but deeply entrenched hatred of moral freedom, capitalism, and the other values of free society. “If the distinction between man and animal is destroyed, so must we obliterate all distinctions among men!” you can hear the PETA foot soldier cry out in the background. “Freedom and equality for every living thing, even the mighty cockroach!”

PETA’s shocking and disgusting campaign attempts to draw attention to the cause of animals everywhere by raising the status and importance of chickens to that of Homosapiens. In trying to make a stronger case for saving the chickens, PETA instead completely demeans all of humanity. Rather than lift the status of the animal kingdom, such an approach trivializes the tens of millions of victims of totalitarian regimes throughout all of human history. By comparing the modern animal slaughterhouses to Hitler’s death camps and Stalin’s gulags, PETA has finally sunk as low as an organization can sink. Any lower and earth worms would be offended.

There is only one little step from killing animals to creating gas chambers à la Hitler and concentration camps à la Stalin.

On another page of PETA’s macabre and graphic display of stupidity, they quote Mr. Singer once again: “There is only one little step from killing animals to creating gas chambers à la Hitler and concentration camps à la Stalin.”

Caution world! Eat that breakfast with eggs, bacon, and milk, and you stand precariously on the threshold between freedom and Nazism. Take a bite and you become like Stalin! Each gulp pushes civilization one step closer to holocaust!

PETA’s pronouncements are the moralistic new-speak that the left tirelessly champions. Earlier this year when “peace” marchers assembled in Washington, they were quick to brand President Bush the “real terrorist” while giving Saddam Hussein a free ride. Never mind that Saddam gassed his own people and tortured children in front of their parents. If America opposes him, well, then Saddam must be the good guy! These radical leftists have a great in common: no moral compass; a passionate hatred of America, democracy, and capitalism; and continual twisting of the truth with messages of violence and destruction aimed at undermining the moral distinctions in society.

Sound far-fetched? Just consider what PETA says further down the page.

“Each country made its own unique contribution to the century’s carnage: America gave the modern world the slaughterhouse; Nazi Germany gave it the gas chamber.”

Does anyone at PETA really understand what real brutality, oppression, and murder are about?

Slaughterhouses are equal to gas chambers? Does anyone at PETA really understand what real brutality, oppression, and murder are about? Their simplistic moralisms are so base, so void of any historical perspective whatsoever, that one wonders if insanity is a prerequisite for holding a position of authority at PETA.

In case we missed their deeply held disdain for America and the many liberties and privileges we enjoy, PETA tosses in a few anti-gun and anti-knife propaganda for good measure. “There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is.” Justice according to them starts and ends on your plate, not in your conscience and moral choices and ethical reasoning.

PETA has shown the world their true colors. They live in an ideological sewer where they function as the poster child for moral idiocy. It reveals PETA’s radicalism and moral darkness as the “wicked madness” that it is.

These words from Scriptures remind us of the foolishness of the world and the madness of those who embrace wickedness:

“Words from a wise man’s mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips. At the beginning his words are folly; at the end they are wicked madness- and the fool multiplies words” (Ecclesiastes 10:12-14)

Here are some of the other signs used by PETA in its reprehensible “The Holocaust on Your Plate” campaign:

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