While America is going through very tough economic times, with unemployment at all time highs, inflation skyrocketing, financial markets in turmoil, the dollar’s value free-falling, federal deficit spending out-of-control, and the potential of another Great Recession or Depression threatening the country, President Obama is off to another round of golf and a lavish and luxurious vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. The character of a man is made manifest in times of crisis!

From the Boston Herald:
While the stock market took another nosedive on repeat recession fears yesterday, President Obama landed on Martha’s Vineyard for 10 days of fun in the sun, hitting the summer playground of the rich and famous during worsening economic turmoil.
Air Force One touched down at Otis Air National Guard Base at about 6 p.m. last night, an hour behind schedule. The president boarded Marine One helicopter for the short hop to the Vineyard, then traveled by motorcade to Blue Heron Farm, his 28-acre hideaway on Tisbury Great Pond. First lady Michelle Obama and kids Sasha and Malia reportedly arrived on the island separately earlier in the day.
From Mail Online from the UK:
– Michelle and Barack take his-and-hers jets for separate 500 mile hops to Martha’s Vineyard vacation – just hours apart
The President will be staying with his family at the Blue Heron Farm, a sprawling, $50,000-per-week estate with plenty of room for staff and Secret Service agents accompanying him on the trip. The family are to spend 10 days in a rented compound.
…President Barack Obama’s much-maligned holiday vacation turned into an even bigger PR nightmare today as it emerged that he and his wife took separate government jets to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart. Michelle Obama was revealed to have arrived at the Massachusetts retreat, only 500 miles from Washington, four hours before her husband yesterday.
The extra transport will have cost taxpayers thousands in additional expenses to get her a few hours more vacation time.
The President had already drawn scorn for using two helicopters and Air Force One to get to Martha’s Vineyard. He yesterday left the White House aboard Marine One on his way to Andrews Air Force base to hitch a lift aboard Air Force One – along with First Dog Bo.
You are exactly right. Compare Obama to Reagan with the Iranian hostage crisis. Or Churchill during WWII. Or Bonhoffer in the concentration camps. Or Mother Theresa midst all the pain and suffering that surrounded her. True leadership bloomed with these courageous, self-less leaders. They focused on truly positive possibilities and made some beautiful, successful, life-changing happen in the middle of difficulty.