No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny

No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny by Chris Banescu –
Appeasement of evil always emboldens and empowers tyrants. Conservatives cannot accept bipartisanship in support of tyranny. We must vigilantly oppose the oppressive and immoral policies that continually usurp our individual liberties and rights and increase the power, reach, and control of government. As history has shown, silence in the face of unjust policies and collaboration with immoral and characterless individuals never bring about genuine peace, freedom, or prosperity. “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent,” warned Thomas Jefferson.

On the day following the devastating results of the November 2012 presidential election, Mark Levin issued a passionate call for conservatives to stand on their principles and fight against the spreading tyranny in America. In his opening monologue on his nationally syndicated radio program, Levin boldly stated that conservatives “do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period.”

He reminded conservatives why we must be vigilant and steeled in this battle for the heart and soul of America. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the most if we compromise and give in to encroaching tyranny. “We will not abandon our child to a dark and bleak future. We will not accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we inherited from every single future generation in this country,” explained Levin.

Levin further outlined the dangerous consequences of the false bipartisanship that Obama and the Democrats are trying to foist on the country. “Bipartisanship? Bipartisanship to shred the remaining Articles and Sections of the Constitution? To surrender the liberty and happiness of our children to an all-powerful group of masterminds? To steal the wealth of successful people so it can be redistributed to cronies and people who don’t earn it? That’s bipartisanship? Well count me the hell out!” cautioned Levin.

The tyranny Jefferson warned us about is now at our doorstep.

Conservatives must remember that surrendering their principles for the sake of compromise and illusory bipartisanship will further erode our liberties, embolden an all-powerful and increasingly unaccountable government bureaucracy, and lead to more oppression, misery, and suffering for all Americans. “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny,” cautioned Thomas Jefferson. The tyranny Jefferson warned us about is now at our doorstep. It is growing bolder and more dangerous every day.

While America slouches towards tyranny, conservatives must be bold and fearless in defending the freedom, moral values, and Constitutional principles that guarantee and protect our individual liberties. We must stand against tyranny and an all-powerful government. “There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war,” warned Reinhold Niebuhr. In the current fight for America’s soul conservatives must not compromise their principles. We must defend freedom, liberty, and righteousness for the sake of present and future generations. Surrender and compromise are not legitimate and honorable options. The stakes are simply too high.

Here are relevant excerpts from Mark Levin’s opening remarks from his radio program:

“We conservatives, we do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period. We will not abandon our child to a dark and bleak future. We will not accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we inherited from every single future generation in this country. We will not accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human beings. There are those in this country who choose tyranny over liberty. They do not speak for us, 57 million of us who voted against this yesterday, and they do not get to dictate to us under our Constitution.

We are the alternative. We will resist. We’re not going to surrender to this. We will not be passive, we will not be compliant in our demise. We’re not good losers, you better believe we’re sore losers! A good loser is a loser forever. Now I hear we’re called ‘purists.’ Conservatives are called purists. The very people who keep nominating moderates, now call us purists the way the left calls us purists. Yeah, things like liberty, and property rights, individual sovereignty, and the Constitution, and capitalism. We’re purists now. And we have to hear this crap from conservatives, or pseudo-conservatives, Republicans.

(at 15:02 in the audio clip)
Bipartisanship, bipartisanship to what end? To destroying the private sector? To drive up the cost of basic goods and necessities? To expand the Statist electoral base, the bureaucracy, and the power of government?

Bipartisanship? Bipartisanship to shred the remaining Articles and Sections of the Constitution? To surrender the liberty and happiness of our children to an all-powerful group of masterminds? To steal the wealth of successful people so it can be redistributed to cronies and people who don’t earn it? That’s bipartisanship? Well count me the hell out!

Just because we had an election does not mean I have to accept tyranny and it doesn’t mean you have to accept it either. Does the Left ever accept the consequences of an election when a conservative wins? Hell no!

No way! I’m not going! I’m not being dragged into this hell ladies and gentlemen.”

Also posted at American Thinker.

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