A Symphony of Illumination

Christ Master of Life and Illuminationby Chris Banescu –

Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive.
So You have promised Lord, and so I’ve found my calling.

Silence and faithfulness till the earth which Thou spoke into existence.
The Mighty One of old gives heed to my persistence.
Lord I call upon Thee hear me, hear me O Lord.
Receive my prayer and supplication, O Master.
Guide my heart and life towards Thee, my only hope and blessing.

A ray of uncreated light breaks through the clouds of daily cares.
A timeless, gentle whisper gathers strength, comes ever closer.
Infinite love and Truth draw near.

Eternal Word humbles Himself again, descends towards His creation.
The Father stretches His arms once more, embracing His invention.
Eternity approaches!

The river of Life swirls all around me.
I sense the warmth and depth of uncreated goodness,
Unending love and an immortal essence.
Tears of joy and gladness abound.
Tears of remembrance and repentance join the waters of baptism.

A litany of inspiration unfolds in quiet splendor.
My soul is strengthened and uplifted.
All earthly cares now lay aside.
Draw near in faith and love, embraced by timeless Spirit.

The source of Life remolds anew the dust that He created.
An earthen pot transformed into a vessel.
Eternal Logos resonates in mind and spirit,
Healing the ancient faults brought on by human failings.
Infinite wisdom opens the floodgates of temporal revelation.
A symphony of words and phrases pour forth in waves of inspiration.
Emboldened messenger speaks simply of the truths that he’s been given.

A hint of kinship now spans across the ages.
Bach, Beethoven, and Handle, Newton, St. Paul and Lewis, and many more illumined.
You all bore witness to the Author of your blessings.
God’s symphony spreads out across all His creation,
To all who seek and ask for His salvation.

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