Do the Best That You Can Today, Leave the Rest to God

Do the Best That You Can Today, Leave the Rest to Godby Chris Banescu –
Do the best that you can today, where you are, in whatever capacity you’re able. Leave the rest to God.

This was inspired by wisdom that C.S. Lewis shared in his “Learning in Wartime” sermon which he preached in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, in Oxford, in the autumn of 1939. This essay was later included in the Weight of Glory book that includes other addresses by Lewis.

“A more Christian attitude, which can be attained at any age in that of leaving futurity in God’s hands. We may as well, for God will certainly retain it whether we leave it to Him or not. Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future.

Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and woks from moment to moment ‘as to the Lord.’ It is only our daily bread that we are encourage to ask for. The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.” ~ C.S. Lewis

(Photo credit Pixabay)

2 thoughts on “Do the Best That You Can Today, Leave the Rest to God”

  1. There is so much divine wisdom in this statement. We put things on our shoulders that do not belong on them. Trusting that God will provide, protect, and work things out according to His own will is difficult for us to believe in trying situations. But the truth is, He will. We miss out on the blessings that come from trusting when we doubt. We all need to seek, submit, pray, and do that which we are able to do. Keeping a pure heart and apart from being indoctrinated with false teachings is also a trial. As we learn to wait, we never have to wait to learn.
    Blessings in our Lord and Savior.


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