by Chris Banescu –
The renowned journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, in his “The Great Liberal Death Wish” article observed the universal pattern of tyranny, delusion, and depravity that follows once man rejects God and embraces godless materialism in all its forms (socialism, communism, progressivism, etc.).
His insights are as valid today as they were in 1979 when he first published it. Looking around the world around us we see the darkness, corruption, insanity, and chaos that accompany man’s rejection of his Creator. As the Psalmist declared “Unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)
“Once you eliminate the notion of a God, a creator, once you eliminate the notion that the creator has a purpose for us, and that life consists essentially in fulfilling that purpose, then you are bound, as Pascal points out, to induce the megalomania of which we’ve seen so many manifestations in our time – in the crazy dictators, as in the lunacies of people who are rich, or who consider themselves to be important or celebrated in the western world. [Read more…]