The Parable of the Atheist and the Globe

Parable of the Atheist and the Globeby Elizabeth Banescu –

An atheist professor was on vacation exploring a town. He walked inside an Orthodox church and heard the priest teaching a Sunday class. The priest was explaining to the children how God created the whole universe, the solar system, and the earth.

The professor listened and when the class was over, approached the priest. “Father,” he began. “You still believe those children’s fairytales about some imaginary “god” who created the world and rules over everything in it?” The priest looked up from his notes. “Well, yes, of course we do. It’s certainly not a child’s tale,” he replied. The atheist smirked, “I thought so.” He then turned to leave.

But, as he was walking away something caught his eye. There on top of the pew, he saw the most beautiful globe. It had an intricate stand of silver, with oceans of blue stone, and the different continents and countries were fashioned out of various colorful gem stones. A ray of sunshine streaming through the window made the globe sparkle. It was magnificently crafted, thought the professor.

“Father,” the atheist gasped. “Who made this beautiful globe?” [Read more…]

God is Good and Goodness is Divine

God is not merely good, but goodness; goodness is not merely divine, but Chris Banescu –

Most of recorded human history points to the reality of the Moral Law, written in our hearts, that governs the affairs of men. Since the beginning of time mankind has recognized (more definitively and clearly in some ages and civilizations than others) that universal concepts of right and wrong and good and evil do in fact exist.

We acknowledge this timeless truth every time we judge whether a person’s behavior is just or unjust, right or wrong, or good or evil. We make this determination not by claiming that a specific act is only “good” if we subjectively like and agree with it, but rather by comparing it with an actual standard of good and evil. Such an evaluation is logical only if these standards are real and absolute, otherwise it would make no sense in labeling anything as evil or good. [Read more…]

A Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtue

Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtueby Chris Banescu –

In an article titled “Let us arise and go home” conservative author and English professor Anthony Esolen eloquently expressed what the ultimate aims of a proper education should be. He writes: “An education that does not order the soul towards truth and beauty, that does not instill the intellectual virtue of seeking the truth, and the practical virtue of putting moral truths in action, is no education at all. It is not fit for a human being. It may be fit for a robot, or a beast, or a devil.” His truthful insights explain a great deal about what has gone wrong without education in the West and especially in America in the last several decades.

So how can we reinforce these timeless and essential principles in the education of a child. “How do you build up the soul of a child?”, asks Esolen. It’s quite simple. Everyone has access to great literature. “That is what great literature and the arts are for. They are for everyone. You can judge a school by its syllabi, or the books in the library, or the poems and the songs the students know and love. Every child should go down to Mordor with Frodo and Sam, or sit atop the mizzen with Jim Hawkins, or float down the river with the worthy Mole and Rat, or ride with Paul Revere, [Read more…]

Eliminating the Notion of God Leads Man to Tyranny, Insanity, and Carnality

Malcolm Muggeridgeby Chris Banescu –

The renowned journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, in his “The Great Liberal Death Wish” article observed the universal pattern of tyranny, delusion, and depravity that follows once man rejects God and embraces godless materialism in all its forms (socialism, communism, progressivism, etc.).

His insights are as valid today as they were in 1979 when he first published it. Looking around the world around us we see the darkness, corruption, insanity, and chaos that accompany man’s rejection of his Creator. As the Psalmist declared “Unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)

“Once you eliminate the notion of a God, a creator, once you eliminate the notion that the creator has a purpose for us, and that life consists essentially in fulfilling that purpose, then you are bound, as Pascal points out, to induce the megalomania of which we’ve seen so many manifestations in our time – in the crazy dictators, as in the lunacies of people who are rich, or who consider themselves to be important or celebrated in the western world. [Read more…]

The Compass vs. The Clock, Put First Things First

The Compass vs. The Clock, Put First Things Firstby Chris Banescu –
The realization that something is not right with our lives can manifest itself in various ways. A feeling of emptiness, a bothersome disquiet, or a strange pain, like a deep sadness or a heartache, gradually or suddenly begins to trouble our souls. We feel guilty, anxious, unsatisfied, stressed, or sad even in moments when we ought to be at peace and carefree; when we should be relaxing or enjoying ourselves. For some this pain is only a vague discomfort. For others, including yours truly, the pain can often be intense and unrelenting; sometimes lasting for long stretches of time.

I discovered the reason for this mysterious affliction in the book First Things First, written by Stephen Covey, Roger Merrill, and Rebecca Merrill. They describe this particular grief as the “pain of the gap,” the gap we sense between the compass and the clock in our lives. Every time we don’t put first things first, when we fail to follow our calling and vocation and focus on the most important things in life, our conscience warns us that something’s not right and corrective measures and proactive actions are required. [Read more…]

Economic Truths are Part of God’s Dominion

Economic Truths are Part of God's Dominionby Chris Banescu –
Economic truths, like moral truths and other truths discovered through mathematics, biology, physics, and astronomy, are part of God’s dominion. As Orthodox Christians we believe that our Lord is the GOD of all creation, all matter, and all life. Not only did He invent and bring into existence the entire visible and invisible Universe, but He also created the laws that govern matter, energy, and human relations. Economic laws and truths are part of His creation as well and, like everything else in this world, subject to His authority.

Unfortunately, this truth is unknown by many Christians, even though they depend on economic principles to insure their own survival and prosperity, and support their communities and churches. Christians rely on economic laws to feed, clothe, shelter, and protect their families. Through their hard work, efforts, risks, innovations, investments, and sacrifices Christians ultimately support the new value and wealth that churches and governments can then use to feed, clothe, shelter, and help the poor. [Read more…]

A Symphony of Illumination

Christ Master of Life and Illuminationby Chris Banescu –

Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive.
So You have promised Lord, and so I’ve found my calling.

Silence and faithfulness till the earth which Thou spoke into existence.
The Mighty One of old gives heed to my persistence.
Lord I call upon Thee hear me, hear me O Lord.
Receive my prayer and supplication, O Master.
Guide my heart and life towards Thee, my only hope and blessing.

A ray of uncreated light breaks through the clouds of daily cares.
A timeless, gentle whisper gathers strength, comes ever closer.
Infinite love and Truth draw near.

Eternal Word humbles Himself again, descends towards His creation.
The Father stretches His arms once more, embracing His invention.
Eternity approaches!
[Read more…]