A Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtue

Proper Education Orders the Soul Towards Truth and Beauty and Instills Virtueby Chris Banescu –

In an article titled “Let us arise and go home” conservative author and English professor Anthony Esolen eloquently expressed what the ultimate aims of a proper education should be. He writes: “An education that does not order the soul towards truth and beauty, that does not instill the intellectual virtue of seeking the truth, and the practical virtue of putting moral truths in action, is no education at all. It is not fit for a human being. It may be fit for a robot, or a beast, or a devil.” His truthful insights explain a great deal about what has gone wrong without education in the West and especially in America in the last several decades.

So how can we reinforce these timeless and essential principles in the education of a child. “How do you build up the soul of a child?”, asks Esolen. It’s quite simple. Everyone has access to great literature. “That is what great literature and the arts are for. They are for everyone. You can judge a school by its syllabi, or the books in the library, or the poems and the songs the students know and love. Every child should go down to Mordor with Frodo and Sam, or sit atop the mizzen with Jim Hawkins, or float down the river with the worthy Mole and Rat, or ride with Paul Revere, [Read more…]

Eliminating the Notion of God Leads Man to Tyranny, Insanity, and Carnality

Malcolm Muggeridgeby Chris Banescu –

The renowned journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, in his “The Great Liberal Death Wish” article observed the universal pattern of tyranny, delusion, and depravity that follows once man rejects God and embraces godless materialism in all its forms (socialism, communism, progressivism, etc.).

His insights are as valid today as they were in 1979 when he first published it. Looking around the world around us we see the darkness, corruption, insanity, and chaos that accompany man’s rejection of his Creator. As the Psalmist declared “Unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)

“Once you eliminate the notion of a God, a creator, once you eliminate the notion that the creator has a purpose for us, and that life consists essentially in fulfilling that purpose, then you are bound, as Pascal points out, to induce the megalomania of which we’ve seen so many manifestations in our time – in the crazy dictators, as in the lunacies of people who are rich, or who consider themselves to be important or celebrated in the western world. [Read more…]

Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton Proclaims the Savior’s Birth

Hallelujah Christmas by Clovertonby Chris Banescu –
Christian rock band Cloverton updated Leonard Cohen’s iconic “Hallelujah” song and gave it a Christmas makeover. Cohen’s familiar melody was infused with lyrics proclaiming the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The result is simply majestic.

What a wonderful, inspired, and blessed way to keep Christ in Christmas and bear witness to the truth, love, and majesty of God in this Nativity season. What a brilliant way to shine a light into our culture and reach people’s hearts and souls.

Posted below are the updated lyrics and the video of the band’s beautiful and uplifting rendition of Hallelujah.

Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton [Read more…]

Mental Breakdown Precedes the Moral Breakdown

G. K. Chesterton The Apostle of Common Senseby Chris Banescu –
G. K. Chesterton was one of the deepest and clearest thinkers of the 20th century. He was also a strong defender of the Christian faith, a modern day apologist in the truest sense of the word. As Dale Ahlquist points out in his book, Chesterton was indeed The Apostle of Common Sense who fearlessly challenged the lies and falsehoods of his time. His insights and logic are as relevant today as they were then.

Chesterton foresaw the coming moral breakdowns that we’re currently experiencing. He understood that the corruption and misuse of language in order to obfuscate the truth were symptoms of a mental breakdown that will inevitably lead to moral corruption. He was right.[Read more…]

Al Gore vs. Reality on Planetary Ice Caps and Global Warming

Arctic Ice Caps Increasing in Size Al Gore Liedby Chris Banescu –
It appears that reality is not cooperating with the myth that man-made CO2 is causing global warming. Recent satellite images show that both the Arctic and the Antarctic sea ice have dramatically increased in size and thickness.

Despite Al Gore’s 2007 apocalyptic predictions that in just 7 more years the Arctic ice cap will be “completely gone,” it has instead dramatically increased by 43% in size since 2012. The North Pole ice cap grew by 1.715 million square kilometers, an area the size of Alaska, in the last two years. In solidarity, the South Pole ice cap has also reached record-breaking levels, and not stands at 20 million square kilometers, the highest level since records began. [Read more…]

The Beginning of the Day Belongs to Jesus Christ

Christ Pantocrator, The Light of the Worldby Chris Banescu –
In Life Together, the book that highlights the importance of Christian fellowship and community life centered on Christ, Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that the beginning of the day belongs to God.

“At the threshold of the new day stands the Lord who made it,” he writes. Bonhoeffer exhorts us to silence all empty talk and distractions when we rise each day and instead let our first thoughts and words be offered to Jesus Christ, “to whom our whole life belongs.”

The Gospels bear witness that Jesus Christ himself started each day with prayer. “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35).

For Christians, the beginning of the day should not be burdened and oppressed with besetting concerns for the day’s work. At the threshold of the new day stands the Lord who made it. All the darkness and distraction of the dreams of night retreat before the clear light of Jesus Christ and His wakening Word. All unrest, all impurity, all care and anxiety flee before Him. [Read more…]