Mathematics of Life and Nature

Mathematics of Life and Nature - Fibonacci Sequenceby Chris Banescu –

“Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe.” ~ Galileo Galilei

Mathematics is typically considered an abstract subject, a complex theoretical framework that the human mind has devised to make sense of the physical world and the observable universe. Mathematics is often described as the “language of physics.” Furthermore, mathematics shape the foundation and science behind quantum mechanics and astrophysics.

Mathematics is also embedded in the complex framework of all life and the entire superstructure of the natural world around us. It evidences God’s fingerprint on all creation and shows forth His handiwork.

As the video below shows, mathematics plays a key role in the language of biological life, including plants, insects, and animals. Nature not only reflects mathematical principles, it is deeply immersed in them. [Read more…]

The Compass vs. The Clock, Put First Things First

The Compass vs. The Clock, Put First Things Firstby Chris Banescu –
The realization that something is not right with our lives can manifest itself in various ways. A feeling of emptiness, a bothersome disquiet, or a strange pain, like a deep sadness or a heartache, gradually or suddenly begins to trouble our souls. We feel guilty, anxious, unsatisfied, stressed, or sad even in moments when we ought to be at peace and carefree; when we should be relaxing or enjoying ourselves. For some this pain is only a vague discomfort. For others, including yours truly, the pain can often be intense and unrelenting; sometimes lasting for long stretches of time.

I discovered the reason for this mysterious affliction in the book First Things First, written by Stephen Covey, Roger Merrill, and Rebecca Merrill. They describe this particular grief as the “pain of the gap,” the gap we sense between the compass and the clock in our lives. Every time we don’t put first things first, when we fail to follow our calling and vocation and focus on the most important things in life, our conscience warns us that something’s not right and corrective measures and proactive actions are required. [Read more…]

Christians Need Each Other to Hear the Word of God

Christians Need Each Other to Hear the Word of Godby Chris Banescu –
This Nativity season it’s good to remember the sacramental role that a Christian community plays in our lives. Man was not created to be alone but live in communion with God and other human beings. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Christian martyr and theologian, reminds us that our brothers are the means through which Christ, the Word of God, reaches us most powerfully and effectively.

We need each other because the Christ in our “own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word” of our brother. Our own heart can sometimes be uncertain, but our brother’s is sure. That’s why we need other Christians as bearers and proclaimers “of the divine word of salvation” to remind us of the Word of God. [Read more…]

Still, Still, Still – A Beautiful Austrian Christmas Carol

by Chris Banescu –
Beautiful music often reflects the beauty and majesty of God. It touches our minds, hearts, and souls and gives us a glimpse of the divine. Music is a mystery of creation that reveals part of God’s infinite creativity and love for us.

Pope Benedict XVI once observed that when words are not enough, beautiful music can express the joy and mystery of God’s love. “It is hard to find words to convey the sheer joy of the soul’s loving encounter with God; indeed, the great mystics could only remain silent before the mystery,” he said.

This Christmas season I heard “Still, Still, Still”, an Austrian Christmas carol, for the first time. The very beautiful and moving performance by the orchestra and choir touched my heart and soul. The angelic rendition reminded me of a church hymn. I searched and found the words to share with you. The video of the orchestra and choir is also provided below.

Still, Still, Still – Austrian Christmas Carol
Still, still, still,
The child’s eyes softly close.
And Mary breathless, draws Him, weeping,
To her heart made pure for keeping.
Still, still, still,
The child’s eyes softly close. [Read more…]

Men are Mirrors or ‘Carriers’ of Christ to Other Men

Men are Mirrors or Carriers of Christ to Other Menby Chris Banescu –
C.S. Lewis reminds of the significance of our work and witness in the world and the importance Christian fellowship in bringing Christ and the Truth to others.

“Men are mirrors, or ‘carriers’ of Christ to other men. Sometimes unconscious carriers. This ‘good infection’ can be carried by those who have not got it themselves. People who were not Christians themselves helped me to Christianity. But usually it is those who know Him that bring Him to others.

That is why the Church, the whole body of Christians showing Him to one another, is so important. You might say that when two Christians are following Christ together there is not twice as much Christianity as when they are apart, but sixteen times as much.” ~ C.S. Lewis

This same message was proclaimed by Christ. “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16)

Put Away Your Racist Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

Racist Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwichby Chris Banescu –
My fellow Americans, the “subtle language of racism” you’ve been hiding inside your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches has been exposed. Your biased and ethnocentric eating habits are oppressing minorities. The very mention of the words “peanut butter and jelly sandwich” connote “white privilege.” Such intolerant and racist behavior will not be tolerated. Shame on you!

The Portland Tribune reports that Verenice Gutierrez, principal of Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland, has discovered this racist travesty destroying the very fabric of our society. The “seemingly innocent” peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a cleverly disguised capitalist tool used to promote racism.

Verenice Gutierrez picks up on the subtle language of racism every day.

Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” says Gutierrez, principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, a diverse school of 500 students in Northeast Portland’s Cully neighborhood. [Read more…]

Obama Omits ‘God’ From The Gettysburg Address

Obama Omits God From The Gettysburg Addressby Chris Banescu –
One Nation Under Who?
President Obama failed to include the words “under God” while reading from the Gettysburg Address for a PBS documentary. As first reported by Chris Plante, on WMAL, the president recited the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863. The video clip is part of a PBS documentary created by filmmaker Ken Burns that includes speeches by other celebrities.

The most historically accurate version of the Gettysburg Address includes the words “under God.” This is known as the “Bliss Copy” and it’s the version most often reproduced and referenced. This copy is displayed on the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The relevant passage reads as follows: [Read more…]