Living Among Immortals – C.S. Lewis

Weight of Glory Living Among Immortalsby Chris Banescu –
“There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” ~ C.S. Lewis

In his The Weight of Glory sermon C.S. Lewis reminds us that God originally created men and women as immortal beings. While our sin and rebellion has temporarily alienated us from God, resulting in the death of our physical bodies, our souls do not die. Past death, our souls live on waiting for the Second Coming of Christ and the restoration of our full humanity; when our renewed and transformed bodies will be once again in full union and symbiosis with our souls.

Lewis masterfully pulls aside the veil of worldly cares and materialist presumptions. He reveals the godly and eternal dimension of our existence with the wisdom and insight that only a messenger of the Lord could possess. “It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you may talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and corruption such as you now meet if at all only in a nightmare.”

This timeless truth is important because it draws attention to how precious and special human life truly is. Nothing in this world compares with the value of human life. “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations – these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendours,” proclaims Lewis. [Read more…]

A Symphony of Illumination

Christ Master of Life and Illuminationby Chris Banescu –

Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive.
So You have promised Lord, and so I’ve found my calling.

Silence and faithfulness till the earth which Thou spoke into existence.
The Mighty One of old gives heed to my persistence.
Lord I call upon Thee hear me, hear me O Lord.
Receive my prayer and supplication, O Master.
Guide my heart and life towards Thee, my only hope and blessing.

A ray of uncreated light breaks through the clouds of daily cares.
A timeless, gentle whisper gathers strength, comes ever closer.
Infinite love and Truth draw near.

Eternal Word humbles Himself again, descends towards His creation.
The Father stretches His arms once more, embracing His invention.
Eternity approaches!
[Read more…]

Respecting God’s Freedom

Creation of Adam Respect Freedom of Godby Chris Banescu –
God respects our freedom and does not force us to love or follow Him. He expects the same consideration from us. He wants us to respect His freedom in deciding if, when, and how He acts. Mutual respect of one another’s freedom is a precondition to all healthy and loving relationships, especially our relationship with our eternal Father, the Lord of all creation.

From the very beginning God created us to have free will. He gave us the freedom to chose right or wrong, to either love or reject Him. Knowing that free will would eventually bring about evil, God nevertheless gave us the liberty to chose and be in control of our destiny. He most likely did this because, “free will though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having,” wrote C.S. Lewis. A world of puppets on a string, of creatures that were no better than programmed robots and worked like computerized machines, would “hardly be worth creating.” [Read more…]

Correcting Scorners and Rebuking Wicked Men is Harmful

Proverbs Correcting Scorners and Rebuking Wicked Men is Harmful by Chris Banescu –
The Bible warns us that confronting and trying to correct and rebuke scornful and wicked individuals can be harmful. The Proverbs caution that “he who corrects a scorner [scoffer] gets shame for himself” and “he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself” (Proverbs 9:7). The Scriptures further instruct us to “not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you,” but instead “rebuke a wise man, and he will love you” (Proverbs 9:8).

A scorner (or scoffer) is typically someone who treats others with disdain and contempt, someone who unjustifiably considers others as despicable and unworthy.

Scoffers and the wicked unfairly dislike and disrespect anyone they disagree with, even on the smallest of points. They insult and ridicule those who try to correct and rebuke them, frequently responding with open hostility and outright hatred. They always resort to attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. The more reasonable, logical, and true the messages are, the greater the insults and anger that scorners direct at the messengers. [Read more…]

No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny

No Bipartisanship in Support of Tyranny by Chris Banescu –
Appeasement of evil always emboldens and empowers tyrants. Conservatives cannot accept bipartisanship in support of tyranny. We must vigilantly oppose the oppressive and immoral policies that continually usurp our individual liberties and rights and increase the power, reach, and control of government. As history has shown, silence in the face of unjust policies and collaboration with immoral and characterless individuals never bring about genuine peace, freedom, or prosperity. “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent,” warned Thomas Jefferson.

On the day following the devastating results of the November 2012 presidential election, Mark Levin issued a passionate call for conservatives to stand on their principles and fight against the spreading tyranny in America. In his opening monologue on his nationally syndicated radio program, Levin boldly stated that conservatives “do not accept bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny. Period. We will not negotiate the terms of our economic and political servitude. Period.” [Read more…]

We Lost America in the Classroom, Before We Lost Her in the Voting Booth

Communist Leftist Indoctrination in Classroom Centerby Chris Banescu –
As conservatives try to make sense of the disastrous results of the 2012 presidential elections, many pundits have begun to reflect on the reasons why the voters rejected Mitt Romney and re-elected Barack Obama instead. Despite Obama’s destructive socialist policies, abysmal economic record, failure to keep many of his promises, and brazen assault on our Constitutionally-protected rights, the majority of the electorate still supported him. How did this happen?

Some point to the impact of hurricane Sandy, America’s changing demographics, Romney’s message and campaign strategy, the biased mainstream media, or the voting irregularities and fraud seen in many areas of the country. While each of these factors may have contributed to the problem, I believe something else played a much bigger part in this catastrophe. It is America’s public education system that is largely to blame. Besides the reality that America has turned away from God and has progressively embraced immorality, our corrupt educational machine has been working overtime to insure the decline and radicalization of our republic.

The socialist teachers’ unions now dominate all aspects of public education and have transformed our schools and universities into virtual leftist indoctrination centers for America’s children and college students. [Read more…]

Prayer for America on Election Day 2012

Holy Spirit Prayer for America by Chris Banescu –
Dear Lord pour out Thy Holy Spirit on this nation and help us in this time of trouble. Give comfort to the suffering, strength to the weak, wisdom to the undecided, and courage to the fearful.

Master, You are our only help in time of need. You Who are just, loving, and compassionate look down upon us and have mercy on us and deliver us from the darkness and danger that now besets us. Deal with us not according to our iniquities, but according to Your manifold mercies, for we are the works of Your hands, and You know our weaknesses.

Be merciful to us Lord for we are in need of Your love and kindness. Help us elect a faithful, loving, mature, hard-working, and wise leader, a man of character and integrity who will bring hope, peace, and joy to a suffering and crumbling nation.

We beseech Thee Master do not forsake us and hear our prayers and petitions. [Read more…]