Rat Research Hints at God’s Creation

Rats are capable of discerning the rhythms of the human languageby Chris Banescu –

Earlier this year, researchers in Spain made a remarkable scientific discovery. Rats are capable of discerning the rhythms of the human language and can tell the difference between different languages. According to the Reuters story, the “study suggests that animals, especially mammals, evolved some of the skills underlying the use and development of language long before language itself ever evolved.”

There’s only a slight catch with the researchers’ evolutionary explanation. It does not make any sense. Rather than support evolution, these findings actually reinforce the Creation model of the world. The research seems to indicate yet another weakness of the evolutionary model and adds more weight to a growing body of scientific evidence that disproves many aspects of evolution.

Neuroscientists at the University of Barcelona used Dutch and Japanese in conducting their studies on 64 male rats. They chose Dutch and Japanese because these languages are “very different from one another in use of words, rhythm and structure.” According to the story the rats “were trained to respond to either Dutch or Japanese using food as a reward.” The findings were indeed remarkable. [Read more…]

Sinful Silence – When Christians Neglect Their Civil Duty

Sinful Silence - When Christians Neglect Their Civil DutyBook Review by Chris Banescu

In the book “ Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Civic Duty” authors Ken Connor and John Revell make a strong case that Christians have a sacred responsibility to apply and uphold God’s laws and biblical principles in all areas of civil government. They correctly point out that “we as citizens are liable for the decisions of our elected representative leaders, even if we are not directly involved in their activities.” Christians living in a secular world cannot neglect their civil duties and ignore their responsibilities to choose moral, just, and God-fearing leaders.

Relying heavily on the book of Isaiah, which calls on the faithful to “Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow,” the authors encourage Christians to stay active and involved in all areas of civil life in order to positively and appropriately influence the culture and civil organizations in America.

Christians must uphold moral principles in all areas of their lives and provide the proper balance and perspectives in all civil matters, not just inside their churches and religious organizations. [Read more…]

Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing

Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism UnconvincingBook Review by Chris Banescu

Destroying the unqualified and unjustified myth that “only religious fanatics oppose Darwinism”, Dr. William Dembski’s collection of essays presents a powerful and convincing case that exposes the many flaws and problems of Darwinism. Rather than having an agenda, the intellectuals who contributed to Uncommon Dissent exemplify the objective, rational, and scholarly manner in which they have both examined the various evolutionary theories and exposed these theories’ many inconsistencies, oversights, and errors.

The eloquence and thoroughness with which these essays critically analyze the Darwinian dogmas reveal that fanatical devotions to unproven theories are prevalent mainly in the mainstream secular scientific community – not among the many scholars and scientists who dare question the veracity and universality of various evolutionary models. [Read more…]

Orthodox Deafening Silence on 2004 Elections

by Chris Banescu

A deafening silence on vital election matters seems to have engulfed most of the Orthodox Christian Churches in America. As one of the most monumental elections in our nation’s history approaches, with two candidates that hold sharply contrasting views on key moral issues, there are little if any official declarations or concrete guidance coming from any of the Orthodox Christian jurisdictions in the United States.

While Orthodox Christians may disagree how best to approach a variety of social and cultural issues, there are many key moral principles on which the Holy Orthodox Church offers no compromise. The Church has spoken consistently, definitively, and strongly for over two millennia in defense of innocence and in unconditional support of the sanctity of life and marriage. Specifically the Orthodox Church does not condone any form of abortion, especially partial-birth abortion, does not permit euthanasia, does not allow or recognize homosexual “marriage” and does not support embryonic stem cells research or human cloning. [Read more…]

Exposing Intellectual Morons

Interview with Daniel Flynn, author of Intellectual Morons book
by Chris Banescu

In his new book, Intellectual Morons, Daniel Flynn exposes the dangers of blindly following intellectual elites who support and promote idiotic ideas and theories. Chris Banescu, who recently wrote the review of the book, interviewed Flynn about the origins of the material and the impact its revelations will have on our culture.

Chris Banescu: What inspired you to write this book?
Daniel Flynn: My goal in writing Intellectual Morons is to get more people to think with their brain rather than their ideology. By exposing ideologically-inspired hoaxes and frauds, the book not only rebuts falsehood but helps immunize readers against future frauds and hoaxes by putting them on alert.

The phenomenon of intellectuals justifying dishonesty when it serves their agenda inspired me to write Intellectual Morons. As evidenced by the mottoes of countless universities (Yale: lex et veritas, Harvard: veritas), truth is (was?) the sine qua non of scholars. For too many intellectuals, political concerns now override truth. [Read more…]

Intellectual Morons – How Ideology Makes Smart People Fall for Stupid Ideas

Intellectual Morons Banescu book reviewBook Review by Chris Banescu
When ideology is your religion and truth becomes just a matter of opinion, anything goes. “There is great danger when lies are institutionalized as truth,” asserts Daniel J. Flynn.

In his new book, Intellectual Morons, Flynn provides us with abundant examples of dangerous ideas that intellectual “gurus” have dreamt up and convinced others to embrace. He exposes a number of cognitive elites whose “idiotic theories, beliefs, and opinions” have attained mythological status, despite the lack of objective and rational analysis of these ideologies’ origins and implications. In lifting the veil of secrecy and ignorance surrounding these individuals, Flynn provides a clear and sobering look into the madness and hypocrisy lurking in the minds and pasts of these demagogues.

Intellectual dishonesty and duplicity exist across the ideological spectrum, alleges Flynn. He argues that the problem is not so much a political leaning as a lack of rational thought and ignorance of the truth. However, with such a large volume of lunacy coming from the Left, Flynn cannot be faulted for including many more examples of liberal idiocy in his analysis. [Read more…]

A Hard Lesson on Home Schools

Homeschool your children, better education for themby Chris Banescu
This June, my wife and I had the privilege of attending the high school graduation ceremonies of several home-schooled youngsters. These events not only impressed us with references to Christian traditions, family values, and heavenly music; they opened our eyes and hearts to the possibility of home schooling. Student after student spoke with such eloquence, maturity, and depth of spirit, that many times tears flowed freely both on stage and in the audience.

Like most parents, my wife and I want to provide our daughter with the best possible education. So despite the fact that she is still too young for elementary school, we have given considerable thought to the various choices. While originally home schooling was not our favored option, the graduation ceremonies piqued our interest. [Read more…]