by Fr. Teologos (Kadar) –
Humility is accepting the truth as it is, and not as we would like it to be. The truth is that we humans did not evolve from animals, because we have eternal souls and we are the image of God. [Read more…]
Riches in Every Sense Can Alienate Us from God
by C.S. Lewis –
The Christian view is that men were created to be in a certain relationship to God (if we are in that relation to Him, the right relationship to one another will follow inevitably). Christ said that it was difficult for “the rich” to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, referring, no doubt, to “riches” in the ordinary sense. [Read more…]
Our Hearts Are Made For God, Only He Can Bring Us Peace and Happiness
by Fr. Thomas Hopko –
Our hearts are made for God, St. Augustine has said, and we will be forever restless until we rest in Him. [Read more…]
Hear God’s Warnings: Everything in This World is Temporary, Only God is Permanent
In this video Father Spyridon Bailey cautions us that everything in this fallen world is temporary and will pass away. He reminds us that only God is permanent and will give us what our souls desire most in eternity. [Read more…]
Godly Answers to Man’s Existential Questions from Monk Simeon
Monk Simeon from Mount Athos provides answers to 24 of man’s existential questions. [Read more…]
A Scattered Life and an Attentive Life
by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov –
The sons of the world consider distraction to be innocent, but the Holy Fathers consider it to be the beginning of all evil (Sayings of the Desert Fathers, “On St Pimen the Great”). [Read more…]
Impossible to Follow the Crucified Lord Without Your Cross
Whoever desires to follow Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Mark 8:34). [Read more…]