“When someone begins to say, ‘What does it matter if I say that word, eat that little morsel, feast my eyes on that?’ he falls into bad habits and runs the risk of gradually falling into insensibility. For both virtues and vices start from slight things and lead to greater ones, either good or bad.” ~ Archbishop Averky (Taushev)
Control Your Body To Control Your Inner Thoughts
“Do not believe brother, that inner thoughts can be controlled without the control of the body. Fear bad habits more than devils.” ~ St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete – First Week of Great Lent
by Chris Banescu –
During the first week of Great Lent, the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete is sung (chanted) in the evening services of the Orthodox Church, from Monday through Thursday. Known as the Great Canon of Repentance, this hymn is the longest canon in all Church services. It is also one of the most moving and transformative liturgical hymns of the Church. [Read more…]
Make the Sign of the Cross for Anything You Do
by Elder Cleopa of Romania –
Do not do anything without signing yourself with the sign of the Cross! [Read more…]
The Violent Love of God
by Fr. Thomas Hopko –
Thus we come to see that as there is no resurrection without crucifixion, there is also no sanctification without suffering, no glorification without humiliation; no deification without degradation; and no life without death. [Read more…]
Nativity of Christ: Sign of God’s Boundless Love and Humility
by Chris Banescu –
The Feast of Christ’s Nativity is not only a cause for celebration that God is with us and true joy has come into the world, but it’s also an eternal reminder of our Lord and Savior’s great humility and boundless love for us. [Read more…]
Man’s Unhappiness and Despair Caused by His Alienation from God
by Fr. Thomas Hopko –
We have abandoned communion with God and have gone off on our own, following our own ideas, enacting our own plans.
And the result? Through our reckless wasting of the gifts given us by God, we have stripped ourselves of our original and fundamental dignity, glory, wisdom, beauty and strength: we have lost our legacy as God’s children. And the whole cosmos suffers with us in our affliction.
People feel unhappy and they don’t know why. They feel that something is wrong, but they can’t put their finger on what. They feel uneasy, confused, frustrated, alienated and estranged – and they can’t explain it. [Read more…]