America Has a Moral Crisis, Not a Gun Control Problem

America Has a Moral Crisis, Not a Gun Control Problemby Chris Banescu –

America faces a moral crisis, not a gun control problem. As God and morality are purged from all our institutions, darkness, chaos, evil, and violence grow to fill in the gap. There is no political solution or regulation that will stop these evildoers. Only more armed law-abiding citizens and a true spiritual and moral revival will help reduce these atrocities and protect innocent lives.

  • The Left stopped disciplining children and teaching them accountability.
  • The Left used anti-depressant drugs to “fix” spiritual problems.
  • The Left chased God and prayer out of the public schools.
  • The Left banned the Ten Commandments from the classrooms.
  • The Left removed moral lessons from the curricula.
  • The Left glorified sexual immorality and depravity.
  • The Left promoted abnormality as “normal.”
  • The Left defended the depiction of senseless gun violence and brutal murders in films, media, and video games as “entertainment” and “art.”
  • The Left praised the dangerous gang-culture infecting society as “cultural diversity.”
  • The Left celebrated abortion and the murder of the unborn as “feminist freedom.”
  • The Left denigrated the sanctity of life.
  • The Left ridiculed traditional morality and the Christian faith.
  • The Left encouraged atheism and godless ideologies.

We are now reaping the results of rejecting God and His moral laws, truth, and wisdom.

Originally published on American Thinker.

America Has a Moral Crisis, Not a Gun Control Problem

2 thoughts on “America Has a Moral Crisis, Not a Gun Control Problem”

  1. In part perhaps, but the Right is not blameless, we have left voids to be filled, or we filled them with hate instead of love.
    It is easy to point fingers at another, but instead we must reexamine ourselves in repentance and accept our own failings.

    If the Left ridicules us, it’s because we opened ourselves up to it by being foolish in how we reacted to new stimuli, by condemning the person along with the sin, by failing to show that love and compassion which are to be the stellar hallmarks of the Christian.

  2. The scary thing is many atheist minded people do try to become god imposing their personal morality through the edifices of the state. Thinking through its power they can impose their idea of how god should be, a giant micromanager from upon high, dictating into others lives. They simply do not realize that this concept itself is truly the epitome of evil.


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