Impossible to Follow the Crucified Lord Without Your Cross

Impossible to Follow the Crucified Lord Without a CrossWhoever desires to follow Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. (Mark 8:34).

It is impossible to follow the Crucified Lord without a cross; and all who follow Him certainly follow with the cross.

What is this cross? Trials, tribulations, hardships, and sorrows, that constantly come from the outside and from within, on all those who conscientiously fulfill the commandments of the Lord. Where there is no such cross, there cannot be a Christian.

Abundant privileges and a life of pleasure do not suit a true Christian. His task is to cleanse and correct himself. He is like a sick person, who needs many surgeries and all these procedures will cause pain. He wants to escape the captivity of a strong enemy; but how can this be without struggle and wounds? He must go against all the worldly practices around him; but how can he sustain this without inconvenience and constraint?

Rejoice then, when you feel the burden of the cross, for it’s a sign that you’re following the Lord on the path of salvation. Endure a little while more, for the end will come bringing the crown of righteousness. ~ St. Theophan the Recluse

Translation from Romanian book on St. Theophan the Recluse. (Translation, minor wording changes, and organizational edits to optimize readability and emphasize key words made by Chris Banescu.)

1 thought on “Impossible to Follow the Crucified Lord Without Your Cross”

  1. “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God , and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. 11 Cor 10:5 “The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed CAN it be.” Romans 8:7. We must be born again, repenting, and submitting ourselves to the Spirit of Truth in His Word. Romans 10:1-3


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